Construction industry challenges:
Due to the nature of the industry processes and rapid growth, the construction sector is currently facing several challenges. Some of the key challenges among these are:
Skills shortage
Reduced productivity
Heavy paper-based processes creating delays
Delayed visibility of project status and issues
Project delays impacting profitability
Speed of support functions response to the challenges
Ineffective collaboration & knowledge sharing among project teams
Ineffective site assets utilization and maintenance
Sustainable development at project sites
Digitalization @ L&W
At L&W our mission is to accelerate technology adoption and fully leverage relevant technologies in a smarter way. Our goal is to address the issue holistically from People, Process and Technology perspectives.
People – cultural transformation towards a high-performance organization through standardized work methods, effective training and collective learning
Process – streamlining and eliminating wasteful process steps by adopting LEAN methodologies
Technology – flexible and relevant technologies to automate streamlined processes; systems to bring the teams together
Our journey so far
There are several applications and features launched for L & W employees and partners for seamless collaboration. Some of the key applications and features are listed below:
Training Management System with ability to plan, monitor and track various employee training needs, training delivery and effectiveness
Real-time monitoring through mobile apps for site Quality & Safety issues
Real-time status of employee requests for various enabling functions
Real-time Project dashboards bringing visibility for project progress and issues
Daily monitoring of natural resources like water, diesel and energy consumption towards sustainable development
Automation of administrative tasks such as managing accommodation, rentals, office supplies and uniforms
Knowledge portals, Online Manuals, Standards and Procedures
Ability to instantly collaborate within the organization in a secured environment
Online communication, celebration & streaming of key events, leadership addresses
ERP & HRMS implementation governance
L&W corporate Intranet named “HYPHEN” is the one stop solution where all our digital applications come to life – all employees and key partners are enabled to access “HYPHEN”