Capgemini, Mumbai
Client : Capgemini Technology Services India Limited
Architect/Consultant : RSP Architects​​
Spread across 50 acres
25,000 employees
350 species of birds
50000 trees, plants and shrubs
5000 desks over 36 floors
14000 seat of open space office across 1.25 million sqft of area
First of its kind in India
Next- Gen Workspaces with close to 15 types of agile seatings
Workspaces implemented in phase and collaborative by the year 2020
ASE, AIE, Cloud Lab and C.100 conference rooms
GYM, Aerobics room, recovery room, terrace garden, 113+ room guest house with dining and Laundry facilities.
Sustainable Campus
Solar power used for lighting the cafeteria, Parking areas, gardens and pathways
Level of water consumption reduced by using press taps, using of recycled waste water for landscape and toilet flushing
Garbage segregation to promote recycling
Autobots for cleaning, air purifiers, waterless Urinals, etc